INFRAIA-02 Integrating Activities for Starting Communities
INFRAIA-03 Pilot for a new model of Integrating Activities
INFRAINOV-04 Innovation pilots
An information session on the RI 2020 calls for proposals for INFRAIA-02, INFRAIA-03 and INFRAINNOV-04 is organised by NCP Flanders, the Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS), the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) and NCP Brussels.
The information session is organised to support researchers and applicants in the preparation of their application for an RI call.
Do not hesitate to contact one of the organisers should you have any question:
NCP Flanders :
Margot Beereboom
Nadège Ricaud
Laurent Ghys
NCP Brussels:
Ji-Hyeon Kim Vanguers