Under Horizon 2020, an exploitation and dissemination plan in the proposal needs to incorporate detailed dissemination and exploitation (D&E) strategies, clearly defining how research results will be implemented and how they will impact on the market, on future developments and policy making. The European Commission offers a number of D&E services to beneficiaries in order to boost their D&E activities and build up D&E capacity. Moreover, the Commission will put more emphasis in Horizon Europe on promoting the exploitation of research & innovation results.
After a general introduction by experts from the Commission, including information about the boosters, practical tips and tricks will be given by AQUATT – experienced in dissemination, communication and knowledge transfer.
The target public are researchers, administrative staff, dealing with the dissemination/exploitation part of Horizon 2020 proposals/actions, or current/future proposal writers that want to broaden their knowledge about this part of the Horizon 2020 proposal.
Registration to this event is free but mandatory. Please register by October 15. The session targets Horizon 2020 beneficiaries and applicants based in Belgium. NCPs reserve the right to decline any registration.
Do not hesitate to contact one of the organizers should you have any question:
Pascale Van Dinter
NCP Flanders :
Ann Van Hauwaert
Natacha Wittorski
NCP Brussels:
NCP Wallonie:
Pierre Fiasse