This information session is organised by the European Commission in close cooperation with the Belgian Legal and Financial National Contact Points. The aim of the event is to explain to Horizon2020 project partners how to avoid errors in Horizon 2020...
After a general introduction about proposal writing, we discuss in smaller groups simultaneously per field a Horizon 2020 proposal that has been evaluated by the European Commission in the past, guided by an experienced evaluator and the NCP(s) of this...
Under Horizon 2020, an exploitation and dissemination plan in the proposal needs to incorporate detailed dissemination and exploitation (D&E) strategies, clearly defining how research results will be implemented and how they will impact on the market, on future developments and...
This information session is organised by the European Commission in close cooperation with the Belgian Legal and Financial National Contact Points. The aim of the event is to explain to Horizon 2020 belgian project partners how to avoid errors in...
With its new priority for a European Green Deal the European Commission plans to make EU’s economy sustainable, by turning the climate and environmental challenges into opportunities. In Horizon 2020 a new cross-cutting call will be added (release foreseen on...