With its new priority for a European Green Deal the European Commission plans to make EU’s economy sustainable, by turning the climate and environmental challenges into opportunities. In Horizon 2020 a new cross-cutting call will be added (release foreseen on 18 September 2020). The topics of the call reflect the thematic domains of the European Green Deal Communication and its political orientation towards a fair and inclusive transition. Projects are expected to deliver tangible and visible results relatively quickly and show how research and innovation can provide concrete solutions for the Green Deal main priorities. Total budget of the call is €1bn. Deadline for submitting project proposals is expected end of January 2021.
The Belgian National Contact Points are organising two webinars designed to support the Belgian Research & Innovation community to take part to this major call. The webinars will take place on Wednesday September 9th and Friday September 11th in the morning.
The first webinar will particularly target Belgian stakeholders having no previous knowledge about the Green Deal call.
On the second webinar a representative from the European Commission will give full insight about the background of the call and potential applicants will get the opportunity to submit their questions and learn how to find partners.
Participation is free but registration is mandatory for one or the two webinars.
Do not hesitate to contact your NCP should you have any question:
Pascale Van Dinter
NCP Flanders :
Pascal Verheye
Natacha Wittorski
NCP Brussels:
Camille Lepinay
NCP Wallonie:
Pierre Fiasse
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