The European Research Council (ERC) supports investigator-driven frontier research across all fields of science.
The National Contact Points (NCPs) for ERC in Belgium (NCP Belspo – Eurofed, NCP-FNRS, NCP Flanders) jointly organise info sessions to help applicants in the preparation of their ERC proposals.
The info session which will take place on the 6th of June specifically targets researchers with 2 to 12 years of experience after PhD as it will focus on the following ERC grant schemes :
- ERC Starting Grants which fund up to 1.5€ million for 5 years for promising early-career researchers with 2 to 7 years of experience after PhD (more information on Starting Grants);
- ERC Consolidator Grants which can provide up to 2€ million for 5 years for excellent researchers with 7 to 12 years of experience after PhD (more information on Consolidator Grants).
Please note that in specific circumstances the eligibility windows can be extended.
ERC Starting & Consolidator Grants have yearly calls. The next calls should be announced under the Work Programme 2019 (published in the summer 2018).
The session is open to researchers established in Belgium or intending to apply with a Belgian Host Institution. Participation to the session is free but registration is mandatory. There will be no livestream.
Do not hesitate to contact one of the organisers should you have any question:
NCP Flanders :
Margot Beereboom
Natacha Wittorski
Laurent Ghys