With its new priority for a European Green Deal the European Commission plans to make EU’s economy sustainable, by turning the climate and environmental challenges into opportunities. In Horizon 2020 a new cross-cutting call will be added (release foreseen on...
This information session is organised by the European Commission in close cooperation with the Belgian Legal and Financial National Contact Points. The aim of the event is to explain to Horizon 2020 belgian project partners how to avoid errors in...
This information session is organised by the European Commission in close cooperation with the Belgian Legal and Financial National Contact Points. The aim of the event is to explain to Horizon2020 project partners how to avoid errors in Horizon 2020...
The European Research Council (ERC) has set up the Proof of Concept scheme to help ERC grantees to explore the commercial or societal potential of an idea that was generated in the course of their ERC-funded projects. More information on...
The ERC Synergy Grants are back in 2018. They are open to groups of two to maximum four Principal Investigators working together and bringing different skills and resources to tackle ambitious research problems. More information on Synergy Grants.
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